Expertise Impartiality Integrity


Understanding your child, empowering families, working together with schools on practical strategies.


Many things can affect a child’s learning, relationships and engagement with school. As a parent, you know your child better than anyone and you know when something is not right. I listen to your concerns and aspirations and provide an independent perspective. An honest appraisal that will give practical strategies and guidance to support your child’s unique path through education.

I provide a variety of packages as well as a bespoke service.

If further assessment is needed by a clinician or therapist I help with what to do in an order that is sensitive to child development and the hierarchy of skills. Following assessment, I help parents and school to understand how the findings impact on the learner, providing and guidance and practical advice for intervention.

Why do parents come to me for advice?

  • have concerns about my child but the school tells me they are doing fine

  • School has noticed that there is a difference between written work and what my child says

  • I think my child needs support but I don’t know what I should do first or who to go to

  • My child has had an assessment or diagnosis but I don’t really understand what it means or how it will affect them and their learning

  • I am worried about my child moving up to the next Key Stage or transition to a new school

  • I have one child with difficulties and I can see some similarities and differences in my other child – should I be concerned?

The initial consultation with Kate was like a breath of fresh air. She had seen it all before and reassured us that children learn in different ways and that one size doesn’t fit all.
— A Parent

Unlocking the barriers to learning informs effective intervention and facilitates academic progress.

  • Discovering if I can help with a free, no-obligation call

  • Unpicking and understanding problems

  • Advising on appropriate next steps

  • Formulating specific practical strategies and advice for home and school on support or intervention

  • Referring on to therapists or clinicians if appropriate

  • Summarising and analysing reports

  • Liaising with specialists and school

  • Being the voice of the child or parents